
Frizzy Hair

If you’re like me then you know how it feels to take your precious time making sure that when you style your hair for the work week that it’s cute and presentable for all to see only to step outside, pass by a window and catch the reflection of your unrecognizable fro. Yikes! Sometimes it can take less then 5 minutes after leaving the house and your hair has risen 3 times higher then it should be.  That’s not cute! What do you do to combat this common but frustrating problem? There are tons of leave-in conditioners and oils that promise to control frizz but the truth is the frizzy fro usually still wins. Here’s where your creativity needs to kick into gear. Sometimes you can just pin curl or rewrap your hair before bed and by the morning your mane is tamed and back to normal but if that still doesn’t work, hats headbands and hair ties  can definitely come in handy. And whatever you do, try to stay away from the flat iron and other tools that use direct heat at least until its time to wash your hair again.

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